So you think I would have learned my lesson. Not yet. About a year and one week after I got my first Powerbook, the hard drive crashed on me. I had procrastinated buying a backup hard drive and so did not have any back ups. All my photos would have been lost but for the efforts of the technicians at the Apple Service Center. Thankfully, all my photos were recovered.

The moral here is: Backup. Backup. Backup. Slides and negatives can get lost. Hard drives do crash. Memory cards can be corrupted. All I can show you today are these two pictures, shots that were not picked as my best, and are now a reminder of the wonderful shots I have lost.
Top: Bodenath Stupa, Nepal. Taken with a Nikon F4, 75-150mm, Fuji Slide film
Middle: Monks Circumnavigating Bodenath Stupa. Taken with a Nikon F4, 24mm, Fuji Slide film.
Sorry to hear about your lost slides, Ken. I've got a few favourites that seem to have disappeared over the years, too. But I can only echo your comments about backing up. Notwithstanding the possibility of physically losing processed film, digital files are MUCH more likely to be lost forever without regular backing up.
My own back-up regime is fairly good, except that I also really ought to have a third back-up that I store elsewhere. Haven't figured out how to do this yet, though...
Hi Seb,
I've heard DVD backups are good if you need to store them somewhere else. Sounds like a bit of a painful chore but I think Michael Clark uses
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