To say Marc Progin has a passion for Mongolia is an understatement. Since 1999, he has biked 14,000km over Mongolia, covering the Altai Mountains in the West, the desert sands of the great Gobi to the South, and forested shores of Lake Hovsgol to the North. Typically, he bikes 10-14 hours a day, covering up to 150km each day. He passes through villages, where he stocks up on supplies, but prefers to spend the nights in solitude by a lake or river.

Photographing mongolia’s haunting landscape is a challenge. Dust is a big problem for digital cameras, especially in Mongolia. Marc avoids this problem by carrying 3 camera bodies with him, each with a lens attached so that he doesn’t have to change lenses. A Nikon D2x with a 17-55mm rides with him in his backpack. In his support vehicle, an assistant carries another D2x with a 70-200mm and a D100 with a 10.5mm fisheye.

Marc says that getting good pictures is a matter of 50% vision and 50% sweat… and Marc relishes in the sweat. Hard work and harsh conditions don’t seem to faze him. A few winters ago, he spent three weeks with the eagle hunters in the Altai Mountains of western Mongolia. He carried all his camera gear and moved on foot although he did bring in 5 pack animals to carry his assistant, food, fuel and tent. Only 3 of those animals made it out alive.

Age hasn’t slowed him down. He is 63 years old, and recently retired. He doesn’t have a website yet, and is busy with 3 books awaiting publication. Contact him at Marc@progin.com. At the moment, Marc is in Switzerland looking forward to his daughter’s wedding before continuing his Mongolian odyssey.
Je voudrais communiquer avec Marc Progin pour lui faire savoir que j'ai changé d'adresse et que je veux toujours recevoir ses photos et ses poèmes.
Ma nouvelle adresse est
Jacques Senécal
644 rue Notre-Dame
Nicolet, Québec Canada
J3T 1B2
Je ferai suivre à votre adresse Marc. Bonne chance.
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