Last night, I managed only 3 hours of sleep worrying if a screw up at work late last night may have been my fault. I woke up at 6am, wrote a letter to my boss to defend myself, and spoke to him on the phone before emailing the letter off. I needed to fix my teeth, so I paid a visit to the dentist in the late morning. I’d bought the new Nikon D300, a few days ago, so while I was out, I also met up with a nice lady to sell her my D200. Back home for a quick lunch when the office called to tell me that they needed me to fly to China early tomorrow morning. I had a photo deadline to meet tomorrow. Since I wasn’t going to be around, I gave a call to the printer to see if my slide had been scanned. It was, so off I went to collect the scanned image. Back home again and I went for a quick run. I needed to maintain my training for a 100km run next April, so out the door I went, even though I was dog-tired. After a quick shower, I worked on the scanned image for Lonely Planet Publications who might use the image for one of their guidebooks next year, and sent it off. Dinner, and a quick chat with an Intellectual Property rights lawyer for some advice, and I’m back at the computer again, writing this blog. After this, I’ll need to pack for my trip to China, hit the sack and get ready for a 5am wake up call.
Ok, anybody keep count of how many times I used the word ‘quick’?
Photo: Flight Level ThreeSixZero. Altitude readout at sunset over South Korea. Taken with a Sea & Sea 1G/Ricoh GX100
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