If you’re trekking without a porter and carrying your own backpack, ultralight is the way to go. Experience is the best judge on what to pack, because the lighter you go, the more compromises on comfort and safety you are going to make.
There has been a revolution in terms of lightweight gear recently. Lighter gear takes up less space in the pack, which means you can carry a smaller, lighter pack. Carrying a smaller, lighter pack is easier to balance, which means you can ditch those heavy leather boots for some lightweight trail runners. Lighter footwear pays off in terms of energy saved, which means you can carry less food, water… and so on and so forth.
A lot of my old stuff is being gradually replaced, courtesy of my new sponsor, The North Face. If you see something on my packing list with a 5 star rating, it means that I have used this extensively and am giving this product my highest recommendation.
Packing ListBackpack: The North Face Skareb 40
Sleeping Bag: Montbell U.L. Alpine Down Hugger #3
Shoes: TNF Ultra 103 XCR
Light Fleece Pullover: Kathmandu Microgrid Top
Light Fleece Jacket: Marmot Driclime Windshirt *****
Down Jacket: Montbell U.L. Inner Down Jacket
Rain Jacket: TNF Prophecy Jacket
Pants: TNF Paramount Convertible Pants
Fleece Pants: MEC Powerstretch
Rain Pants: Lowe Alpine Triplepoint Ceramic Pants
Fleece Hat: Mountain Hardwear Dome Perignon
Buff *****
Sun Hat: Kavu visor
Gloves: Marmot Evolution
2 x tech tees
2 x underwear
2 x Thorlo Trail Runner Socks *****
Headlamp: Petzl e+Lite
Knife: Swiss Army Mini Classic *****
1 Liter Water Bottle
Water Filter: Steripen Adventurer
Sunglasses, Sunblock, Lipbalm
First Aid Kit (Including: Anti-biotics, Diamox, Diarrhea meds)
Small Toiletry Kit (Including: biodegradable soap, toothbrush)
Microfiber Towel
Toilet Paper
Hand Sanitizer
Vitamins and cough drops
Guidebook and Map
Notebook and Pen
Reading Glasses
Small Combination Padlock
Photography GearNikon D300
Nikkor 18-200mm
Nikkor 10.5mm
2 spare batteries and charger
24G of CF cards
Lowepro Topload Zoom
Lowepro Lens Case
Photo: Mountain Biking The Himalaya. Taken somewhere in Nepal with a Nikon FM2, 24mm.